Showing 181–192 of 204 results

Transportation,vegetables and fruits coloring pages

$ 2
Worksheet pages (29) Format Included : PDF As soon as we will receive the payment you will be allowed to download These worksheets will  enhance the following skills: colouring  Vocabulary building Learn the names of Transportation ,vegetables and fruits Trace the names and learn the spellings

Handwriting Practice Worksheets(11 pages)

$ 1
By doing these worksheets children will be able to
  • Write a sentence
  • improve their handwriting.
  • Trace sentences.
  • Improve their vocabulary
  • spelling improvement
Format : PDF Worksheets : 11 Instant download  As soon as your payment is received you will be granted access to the free pdf file.  

Creative Writing Worksheets( 6 Pages)

$ 1
This will help them improve their vocabulary building skills , sentence making skills,spellings,punctuation. Great resource for students ,teachers and parents. Home-schoolers and Pre-schoolers.

Days of the Week Flashcards (Dinosaur Themed)

$ 1
This Package includes Dinosaur themed Days of the Week Flashcards Format:PDF Instant Download Print them on a hard paper and laminate it .Have fun! As soon your payment is received you will be allowed to download the flashcards.

Days of the Week (28 worksheets)

$ 2
Worksheets: 28 Topic: Days of the Week Format : PDF Download Grade : Pre-School,Kindergarten,Grade 1 You will be instantly allowed access to the PDF downloadable file once you send the payment. These worksheets are best for morning activity. Children will be able to learn the names of Days of the wee. Good for Activity Best for homeschoolers,Pre-schoolers and Teaching resources

Ordinal Numbers Flash Cards (1-50),Number cards,Pre-schoolers,Grade 1,Number games

$ 1
Number Flash cards 1 to 50 4 flash cards per page. Can be printed on a hard paper and laminated also to make the children understand Ordinal Numbers in a fun way!!! Instant Download Pdf Format included ' 50  colourful  cards For ages 3 and up. Best for Pre-schoolers,Homeschoolers, Parents and Teachers

Shapes Tracing Worksheets ,Preschool Activity ,Shapes (11 pages)

$ 1
Worksheets : 11 pages Format :PDF Instant Download Topic: Shapes ,Colouring ,Tracing Skills : Brain storming, Analyzing,Thinking ,Writing,Tracing

Comparison Worskheets ,Missing Numbers 1 to 100,Skip count by 2’s,Morning activity worksheets Maths ,Pre-schooling,Homeschooling

$ 2
Grade Level: Pre-school, Grade 1 Children will be able to
  • do comparison
  • write the missing numbers
Format :PDF Worksheets :10 Downloaded instantly

Colouring Worksheets for Pre-School and Kindergarten

$ 1
Instant Digital Download Link will be sent to download file(s). No physical copy will be sent.

Handwriting Practice Worksheets for Pre schoolers ,Grade 1,Homeschooling,Handwriting improvement sheets (15 pages)

$ 2
Instant Digital Download Link will be sent to download file(s). No physical copy will be sent. This is a pack of 15 pages that will help the students to understand about Sentence construction. Capital letter . full stop. Letter formation. How to write in three lines and also help in improving their handwriting.
  • Includes 15 handwriting practice worksheets.
  • PDF format

Number Flashcards 1- 50,Printable For Toddlers, Pre-schoolers, Kindergartener, Home-school

$ 2
These flashcards will help the students to teach number recognition.
This printable includes:
-Number flash cards  (50 cards)
-4 cards per page
Dimension : Letter Paper (8.5 x 11) inch
Important : Print the pages on heavy card stock, laminate and trim the corners to make the cards kids/toddler friendly.
You can attach binder rings and make it as a Flip book.
Terms of use
1. Strictly for self-use.
2. No part of this PDF can be reproduced for sale or for distribution physically or electronically
In case you find any problem/mistake in PDF, do let us know. We will be happy to help.

Alphabet Flashcards – Uppercase, ABC Cards Printable For Toddlers, Pres-choolers, Kindergartener, Nursery, Homeschool

$ 1
These flashcards are perfect for teaching letter recognition, letter sounds and vocabulary. This printable includes: -Alphabet flash cards with the uppercase (26 cards) -4 cards per page —————— Dimension —————— Letter Paper (8.5 x 11) inch —————— Important —————— Just print the pages on heavy card stock, laminate and trim the corners to make the cards kids/toddler friendly. You can attach binder rings and make it as a Flip book.
Terms of use:
1. Strictly for self-use.
2. No part of this PDF can be reproduced for sale or for distribution physically or electronically
In case you find any problem/mistake in PDF, do let us know. We will be happy to help.